Salted Caramel Sauce

Salted Caramel Sauce

The weather turned a little unexpectedly cold this week after a very warm weekend, and it set my pumpkin fever into over drive. Why are we talking about pumpkin on a recipe for caramel you say? Oh, you’ll see. Lets just say tomorrow there might be a caramel...
Herb Rubbed Sirloin Tip Roast

Herb Rubbed Sirloin Tip Roast

There isn’t much this midwest raised girl appreciates more then a great steak, and this my friends is a great steak! When my local grocer had a sale on tip roast I decided to pick one up and then started trying to figure out what to do with it, when I found this...
Homemade Apple Cider

Homemade Apple Cider

Where in the world has this year gone? I must have asked myself that a thousand times this week, and now here it is, nearly December. It’s funny when you’re younger and people older then you talk about how quickly the time will pass, and you laugh and...
Apple Pear Crisp

Apple Pear Crisp

How is it even possible that Thanksgiving is next week? However we got here, it’s that time again! Since my in laws were recently in town, and my father in law is a huge apple crisp fan, I was just dying to make this. I’m not gonna lie, it’s probably...

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